一、特性(簡介) Brief introduction of characteristic
是一種以特選膠凝材料、精選級配骨料、外摻料,經特殊工藝配制而成的專用灌漿料,具有大流動度、 無收縮、早強、高強等特點。
The grouting material is made by special craft with selected cementitious materials, fine aggregate, admixture, The grouting material have a high fluidity, no shrinkage, early strength, high strength and so on.
二、用途 Purpose
For the no baseplate installation of Machinery, electrical equipment (heavy equipment, high-precision grinding machine)
Steel installation
grouting fixing of Column base, pile, rock foundation
Frame joints connection
Repair the honeycomb and pore of reinforced concrete structures.
三、技術指標 Specifications
四、運輸與貯存 Transport and storage
在運輸中應防止受潮,貯存中保持干燥,從生產之日起,在未經受潮保存下貯存期為三個月。超過三個月 需要復檢,合格后才可使用。
It should be prevent from moisture during transportation and maintain dry in storage. The storage time without moisture is three months from the production date.Re-examination ?should carry out when the storage time is more than three months and it must be qualified before use.